Our Quest for a Family

Shortly after Phil and I were married we planned to start a family. We both dreamed of becoming parents. I have always thought of my career as a time filler before becoming a Mom. Above being a paramedic or a nurse, I want to be a Mother. Phil also is anxious to be a Father. He will often say, “When we have kids…” ending with something he’ll do with them as a Dad.  Here we are, 5 years later, still childless. We have spent many years, sleepless and teary nights, and lots of money trying to become parents. When one of our infertility treatments was only temporarily successful, it made us realize that our goal was not for me to become pregnant, but for us to create a family. From the beginning of our infertility struggles we have spoke often of adoption. We see it as a beautiful way to create a family. We know that love doesn’t only come through blood lines. Phil’s cousin adopted a daughter who has been embraced into the family as if she were born into it. I have friends who have created families through adoption and have seen first hand the miracle of love and sacrifice that it is. We have been working hard to become certified to adopt. We have finished our adoption/parenting classes, have turned in most of our paperwork, and are starting our home study.